- A Mini Penny
- Acorn Kids
- Agatha Cub NYC
- Alessi
- amayadeeme
- Annabel Kern
- Anne Black
- Anny Who
- Antonio Juan
- APPI Studio
- applicata
- ArchitectMade
- Ashley Goldberg
- Atelier Pierre
- Audo Copenhagen
- Aykasa
- Baghera
- Baisik
- ban.do
- Bang Bang Copenhagen
- Banwood
- Beau LOves
- Bebe Gums
- Behr & Co
- Belonil
- Bencer & Hazelnut
- Billieblush
- BlaBla Kids
- Bling2o
- Block Design
- Bloomingville
- Bobo & Boo
- Bobo Choses
- Bon Parfumeur
- Bon Ton Toys
- Bonne Mère
- Boramiri
- BORN Copenhagen
- Boumy
- Bride & Wolfe
- Briki
- by Astrup
- By Christine Hoel
- By Nord
- by Wirth
- Cam Cam
- camomile london
- Canvas
- Carlie Ballard
- Catty Wampus
- Charlie & Jae
- Charlie Crane
- Chiara Ferragni
- Chloé Fleury
- cink
- Condor
- COOEE Design
- Corkcicle
- Cozy Story
- Cultiver
- Dancing On The Moon
- Darcy & Duke
- Delight Decor
- Design House Stockholm
- Design Letters
- Djeco
- Doing Goods
- Done By Deer
- Donna Wilson
- Donsje
- Dot Aarhus
- Dot Dot Swim
- Down To The Woods
- Dreams
- Fabelab
- Fabgoose
- faemli
- FAO Schwarz
- Father Rabbit
- ferm LIVING
- Fine Little Day
- Fiona Walker
- Flatout Frankie
- Fleur Harris
- Frankie Ray
- Freedom Moses
- Fresh Dinosaurs
- Frigg
- Garbo & Friends
- Gardner And The Gang
- Gathre
- Gee Sorry Angel
- Geggamoja
- General Eclectic
- gg*
- Gilly Goat
- Goldie + Ace
- Goosebumps
- Grimm's Spiel and Holz
- Grown
- Guimo
- Gunnar Florning
- Haba
- Hape
- Happy Jackson
- Hardie Grant Books
- Have A Nice Day
- HAY Design
- Heath Nash
- Heico
- Helen Dardik
- Hello Kitty
- Herschel Supply Co
- Hess-Spielzeug
- Hildelov
- Hipsterkid
- Holly & Ivy
- Holztiger
- Homely Creatures
- House Doctor
- Hugg-A-Planet
- Hugo Loves Tiki
- Hunter Lab
- Hunting For George
- Karl Largerfeld Kids
- Karlsson
- Kate Spade New York
- Kay Bojesen
- Kenzo Kids
- KG Design
- Ki-Gu-Mi
- Kid O
- Kiddie Connect
- Kids Concept
- Kikadu
- Kiko+
- Kinderfeets
- Kinto
- Kitsch Kitchen
- Knox & Floyd
- Ko-Ko-Ko
- Kolekto
- Kolor
- Konges Sløjd
- Kreativitum
- Kubi Dubi
- Kukkia
- La Cerise Sur Le Gateau
- la petite Magazine
- Laer Kids
- Lapin & Me
- Laura Blythman
- Le Edit
- Le Petit M
- Le Sac En Papier
- Le Toy Van
- Leander
- Lexon
- Liewood
- Lightly
- Lillagunga
- Lille Vilde
- Lilu
- Lilys Island
- Little + Sleepy
- Little Marc Jacobs
- Little MaZoe's
- Little Nordic Kids
- Littlephant
- Llorens
- Londji
- Lorna Murray Apparel
- Louis Louise
- Louise Misha
- Loullou
- Lucie Kaas
- Lucky Boy Sunday
- Lucky Emma
- Lucky Lou
- Lundby
- &me
- Made From Good Deeds
- Made Of Tomorrow
- Maiko Mini
- Maileg
- Maison Deux
- Maison Labiche
- Maison Mangostan
- Make Me Iconic
- Marlee Watch Co
- Marset
- Meiya & Alvin
- Melissa & Doug
- Menu
- Meraki
- Meri Meri
- Mette Ditmer
- Michelle Carlslund Illustration
- Micki
- miffy
- Mighty Jaxx
- Milestone Cards
- Milk & Soda
- Milk Addict
- Millesime Baby
- Milligram
- Milton & King
- Milton Ashby
- Mini and Maxmimus
- Mini Colettos
- Mini Kyomo
- Mini Rodini
- Miniland
- Minimrkt
- Minista
- Miniware
- MiniWilla
- Mio Play
- Miss Papperista
- Mister Fly
- Miva Vacov
- mofusand
- Moon Picnic
- Moover
- Mosser Glass Inc
- Mr Maria
- Mrs Mighetto
- Mushie
- Muskhane
- Mustard
- My Little Day
- My Mini Label
- Nana Huchy
- nanoblock
- Natti Natti
- Nature's Child
- Nendo
- nobodinoz
- NOMESS Copenhagen
- Noodoll
- Nordic Kids
- Normann Copenhagen
- Numero 74
- nuuroo
- Obitsu
- Oeuf
- Oioiooi
- Oli & Carol
- Olive + The Captain
- Olivia's Little World
- Olle Eksell
- Olli Ella
- Omm Design
- One In A Melon
- One Must Dash
- One Two Tree
- ONO Design
- Oon
- p+g design
- Paola Reina
- Papaya
- Paper Collective
- Pax and Hart
- Petite Amalie
- Petite Pommes
- Phoenix And The Fox
- Picca Loulou
- Piper Bug
- Plan Toys
- Play & Go
- Playforever
- Plum NYC
- Pop Factory
- Poppie Toys
- Posture Pal
- Pouch Australia
- Pretty In Pine
- Pretty Wild
- PSikhouvanjou
- Pumpt
- Pusheen
- Raduga Grez
- Rainbow & Clover
- Rapt By Bellies And Beyond
- Rare Rabbit
- Re-Ment
- Rebecca Kiff
- Refinery
- Rex International
- Rice DK
- Rig Tig
- Rilla Go Rilla
- Rolife
- Rose In April
- Rosendahl
- Rylee + Cru
- Sack Me!
- Sagaform
- Sage x Clare
- Sambellina
- Scalaë
- Sebra
- Seletti
- Serax
- Seventy Tree
- Sew Heart Felt
- Shanna Murray
- Silke Bonde
- Sketch Inc
- Skrållan
- Smallstuff
- Smiski
- Snug Studio
- Snuggle Hunny Kids
- Snurk
- Sonny Angel
- Soopsori
- Spring Copenhagen
- Stories of Autumn
- Studio Circus
- Studio Tangerine
- Such Great Heights
- Suella
- SunnyLife
- Supertrooper Studio
- Suzy Ultman
- Sweet Dream Dolls
- Swiden Design
- T-Lab
- Talking Tables
- Tender Leaf Toys
- The Animal Observatory
- The Art Room
- The Luxuriate
- The Wall Collective
- These Little Treasures
- Tiamo
- Tiger Tribe
- Tiny Harlow
- Tiriki
- Tocoto Vintage
- Toou
- ToysLink
- Trauffer
- Travel Bandits
- Tree House by Anja Schwerbrock
- Trybike
- Tutu Du Monde
- Twentyone Fifteen
- Twig Creative
- Wall Effect
- Walnut & Walrus
- Wander & Wonder
- We Are Squared
- We Love Sundays
- We Might Be Tiny
- We The Wild
- Wee Gallery
- Weekend House Kids
- Wesco
- White Fox & Co
- Wild & Soft
- Wobbel
- Wolf & Rita
- Wonder & Rah
- Wood Rabbit
- Wooden Story
- WoodenToys
- Woouf
- Write to Me Stationery & Press